Charisma 101
Breaking down the "It Factor" Mystique
I was watching a show on TV yesterday when somebody asked the ever-present question in my mind lately..."What is that IT Factor that makes some people stars and the rest gazers?" I found it interesting that the answer that was given was "Charisma". Charisma!?!! What is this Charisma? Is it just another obscure concept like the "It Factor?" I brushed it off for a second as just another convenient, generic answer, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized there could be some validity to Charisma being the "IT Factor" for some people. It's no wonder the world is celebrity crazy. After all, celebrities are notoriously charismatic, hence the reason they're celebrities to begin with. If you can remember, Charisma was the culprit when Kerry was robbed of the Presidency. It perhaps also has something to do with world falling in line anytime Diddy decides he needs a name change. And have you noticed that no matter how much we try, we can't put our fingers on exactly what it is Paris Hilton does for a living, but her bank account keeps getting bigger and bigger. It’s CHARISMA!!! Charisma is a personal appeal that attracts others to you. It's the ability to charm or influence people, while making people feel like they are willi
ng participants. Charisma is the ability to make even the lowest person on the totem pole feel like they're the greatest thing since slice bread. The truth of the matter is all personal will is lost in the presence of a charismatic person. We become their puppets, willing to play along with their hearts’ desires. We follow them blindly, even against our better judgments under normal circumstances. Charisma! It's the reason Oprah talked her way to Billions of Dollars. These people are particularly smarter than your and I, nor are they better looking, but they all have Charisma. So for those of us that weren’t born with the charismatic genes, are we automatically out of the game? Should we save ourselves the heartache and future psychiatric visits for failure to live up to the standards of our evil charismatic counterparts, and just accept defeat? I beg to differ.
There is a concept called “fake it till you make it”. Since they haven't gotten around to bottling charisma yet, I suggest we all fake the funk until it becomes us. It may seem unnatural at first, but actions performed over a long period of time eventually becomes a part of you. So from studying these selfish, evil-doers who are out to claim all the benefits of the world for themselves and continue to get richer, while we look at them with admiration, here are some of the principles I believe are important in order that we too may become charismatic.
- Be Friendly. This may be the hardest principle to conquer, but the one thing that the world needs more of is friendly people. Friendly people have a way of making peoples days. It’s hard because a lot of time we would rather not be bothered, but giving an extra smile to a stranger and doing your best to remember to wish people happy birthday will get you a long way. I have this one friend who would literally go out of her way to do things for me. My love and I are always skeptical of her, like what is her M.O? But because she’s so friendly, I would do anything and everything she asks of me, just because I know she would do the same for me.
- Be a good storyteller. At first I was going to put be funny, but there are lots of charismatic people that aren’t particularly funny people. People just happen to laugh at their jokes because like I said, they fall prey to their charm. Oprah for example isn’t really funny, but her audience members eat up everything she dishes out. She is, however, a good story teller. People like to laugh and be entertained. So being a person that’s comfortable telling stories is a great thing. Besides it’s always the person telling the story that the group’s attention is focused on. If they are good, they intrigue people and people want to get to know them better and even be their friends. Why? Because they know they will always be entertained. This one friend of mine is such a good story teller that he had me falling down on the street laughing one day. Come to think of it, what he said wasn’t all that funny, but it was his delivery that was great.
- Be Outgoing. It’s hard to be charismatic when you’re by yourself. In order to be charismatic, you have to surround yourself with people and be the fun one. After all, who wants to hang out with someone who’s just as boring as they are? Everybody wants that friend that’s the life of the party, and the one that’s always pushing them to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Force yourself to be the outgoing one in your group, and you’ll notice that all of a sudden people want to start hanging out with you and calling to see what you’re doing on the weekends.
- Be Charming. I suppose charming is almost like a synonym for charismatic, but whatever charming means to you…be that. Men are usually good at being charming, since they’d been practicing the art since they were little boys. They have to be charming in order to get women, so for the most part, it usually comes natural to them, especially when talking to women. Donald Trump is not good looking, but her gets the best looking females because of his charm. He makes women feel like they’d be missing out if they weren’t with him, and taking candy from a baby. Jay-Z is another one who’s a great charmer. Of course these women flocking to them could be as a result of their mega-millions, but you get the point. Being charming just means being pleasant to be around.
- Be Open. There’s nothing I love more than an open person. People feel they can relate to you and connect with you when you’re open and vulnerable. We all have insecurities as people, and it is these insecurities that keep us from nurturing each other and relating to one another. Being open makes people feel like they can let their guards down around. We all need to take a break from playing the game sometimes. The façade wears on our soul and makes us so guarded, but it’s a breath of fresh air, when we can just chill and take the masks off. People will feel like they can go to you for advice about what’s going on in their lives without being judged or condemned. Think Oprah and Kelly Rippa. The reason they’re so loved is because they’re so open. We’ve seen and heard Oprah cry about being Raped and fat. You can’t get much more open than that.
- Be Beautiful. Why?...Hey, why not? You’ll get further being beautiful than if you aren’t. I personally have this one down, so I’ll devote my time to working on the rest. (I can feel all the eyes rolling, but don’t hate…: ))
So my dears…I think we’re well on our way with getting our charisma on, and consequently flying our “It Factor” flag high. Good luck as you continue your search of the fabulous life you deserve.
Some books to reference on charisma are:
1. Charisma: Seven Keys to Developing the Magnetism that Leads to Success by Tony Alessandra
2. The New Secrets of Charisma : How to Discover and Unleash your Hidden Powers by Doe Lang
3. Charisma: How to Get That Special Magic by Marcia Grad
I want to say several things: First, although charisma is important, I don't think it is enough. To me charisma is simply being seemingly sincere flattery. Appearance incere because it must feel as if you mean it.. Flatery because it must be spoken and it is about making someone feel good.
There are many charismatic people out there and they just haven't made it. So what is the IT Factor? There is not one, I believe it is a combination of factors. I will name them in order of what I believe is most important:
1. Confidence that borders on arrogance. It is this that attracts people. Most people are insecure so a confident person allows people to live through them vicariously. Confidence fosters aspirations (i.e., this is what I want to be). The confidence should border on arrogance because that person must feel that they are better than others in order to behave that way. Although, this will create enmity against many strong people, most others will only follow if you've convinced them that you are better. A word of caution though, permission to be arrogant is not permission to be rude or overtly demeaning. Although, arrogance demeans by its nature, expressing demaeaning thoughts will create enemies in people that could hinder your progress. The difference is subtle but important; arrogance should be subtle and if conveyed, it should be felt more from non-verbal cues then from expressed thought. Another word of caution is to give deference to those who may be able assist you in your goals, whatever they may be. Sometimes you may not know who those people are so it is best taht you show some deference to those you meet until you know whether you may show arrogance.
2. The second most important factor be persistent and unyielding. Many people give up on their dreams. They stop trying. In order to succeed you have to keep trying until your break comes then you've got to take advantage of it.
3. Stand out. Be different. Be noticed. Don't fade into the crowd. Talk be contraversial but be smart about it. Take risk but measured risks. Think about the impact. Don't go too big because the consequences will also be big and if the big consequences are bad it will be difficult to redeem yourself. Making a big splash is sensationalism and it doesn't last long. Besides most people don't want the attention paid to them from being different so it won't be too difficult to stand out. In our lives we already think about the politics of the actions that we take. What our actions will mean to our social network so just do it on a larger or a different scale. That is what it means to make smart decision but don't forget to stand out.
4. Be seen, be on the scene and take advantage of the opportunities. Many people don't recognize the opportunities when presented so they turn them down. Being seen keeps you in people's minds and then a buzz is created about you. This is what makes Paris and Diddy and Trump known. People are always talking about them. They have created a buzz. Match this with the fact that they stand out and you've got many people taking notice and talking.
5. Prepare or be good. If you have no substance the buzz you will create is that you have no substance. This works well if you have the right image and all you have the money and the name to party (e.g., Paris Hilton - she is blond haired blue eyed ditsy white girl with money and a famous name - Hilton); however, if you don't you need to have something more to offer or the fact that you are fake will soon be known.
6. Create a brand about you. Many people do this very easily simply by being passionate. They convey this passion to people many of whom need a direction. Many people don't know which way to go so someone with a direction simplifies there lives.
A human being is a product to sold so treat yourself as such. Market yourself. Here are several books that I recommend on marketing They are all on tangible nonsatient products but the concepts could be adopted for people: "POP: Stand out in a crowd" and it talks about standing out. "The Anatomy of the Buzz" is about getting people to talk about your product and "Primal Branding" is about getting people to be fanatic about your product. Hope it helps.
Mack, perhaps you should write your own blog and stay off mine:) Interesting points though. I see what you mean about charisma not being everything. I do think it's an important aspect of the "It Factor" however. That being said, I guess the search for the true meaning of the factor and how we can apply it to our lives continues.
Bola, your blog was great! I am impressed. Reading the page, I did not image you as the creator. The way it was all layed out with the pictures and all helps keep individuals focused. I am not a blog reader, so it was helpful for me. Another thing that might help in keeping an interested base of readers is consistency; you should think about posting every week with something new and fabulous. One more suggestion, since you were so open about how complete and utterly dissatisfying your current situation is, I think it necessary for people who are considering your advice on being fabulous to know where you are headed. Afterall, why should we pay you any mind. Take us along on your journey! Thanx 4 the blog.
Thanks Cass. Points well taken. I actually try to blog everyday, so stop by often to see what I'm up to.
if "charm" is the ability to dazzle then its certainly worth having - but what exactly does "charm" entail?
charm alone does not make one great . . . in fact it has nothing to do with greatness. the rage in amerika is to talk a good talk, but i'm not buying it. i still subscribe to the now "old school" method of - if you're good at what you do, i mean you are the best in your field, no matter what it may be - which simply means you are putting in the time that field deserves and more - then you are charming to me - period! a lot of people strive to dazzle but lack substance - what is it you do that makes me wonder? it has to be something more than just "charm" - oprah is charming to me simply because she's good at what she does - and i know she works HARD to be beat the competition. paris (if you believe she's charming) even appears to have perfected that hollywood glam. and so on and so forth. i want to be charming - but to be so - i have to work on doing that which makes me a star in my field (think jordan, think tiger, think ben carson, think late malcolm, think late garvey, think late cochran - these men have/had much more than charm - they were damn near the best at what they do) - and that's charm to me.
so ms. bola, your genuine hardwork will ALWAYS translate into success and success will always dazzzzzzzzzzzzzle before any 2-bit charm would.
great blog - keep it coming.
ma tiwa
Just a quick correction. In my opinion charm is seemingly sincere flattery. Charisma is the ability to convincingly articulate ones passion. In that respect charisma is important and it goes along with creating a brand. I think these seperate the great from the excellent.
One more thing on confidence that borders on arrogance. Be careful that it doesn't cross into arrogance. Confidence is belief in one's efficacy and arrogance is belief that one is better than others. Confidence comes from being self assured usually through successful endeavors. Arrogance is usualy a sign of insecurity. It is a defense mechanism for when one feels threatened by another. Instead of believing in his/her own capabilities the arrogant person lowers others in estimation so that they can claim to be on a higher level, thereby, feeling better about themselves. Arrogance cannot substitute for confidence because in the long run you don't really believe in yourself and it will show.
Mackens...please feel free to comment on my other posts as well. You know I've published about 4 other posts since this one. Thanks.
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