I currently live a in NJ with my love and lovelies, and I'm Nigerian. I'm creating this blog as a cry for help and an attempt to reach out to people like me who are somewhat dissatisfied with their current situation. I hope that it will help me as I go in search of the life I've always dreamt of having and the life I deserve. This may sound crazy, but I believe someone has highjacked the fabulous life I'm supposed to be living, and left me with a mediocre life, in a mediocre apartment, and in a less than fabulous city of Sayreville, NJ. How did I end up switching lives with Oprah? Why is Beyonce living my life? I'm tired of people saying some people just have that "It Factor" and others don't. What is the "IT Factor", and what happened to mine when God was giving them out? I suspect we all have that "It Factor", and we just need to tap into it. So here's my attempt to find mine and FINALLY tap into it.